I'm sorry but my counseling practice is currently closed due to a medical and mental health issue. I miss you and the work! I am keeping myself occupied with a little project, I launched a YouTube Channel and would love to connect with you there.

I'm sorry but my counseling practice is currently closed due to a medical and mental health issue. I miss you and the work! I am keeping myself occupied with a little project, I launched a YouTube Channel and would love to connect with you there.

  • Group Therapy

    Group Counseling is ideal for people looking for both a more affordable counseling option, and those who long for deeper connections with others. It is a powerful method of working in a close group to improve your understanding of yourself and/or issues you may be working through. Therapy groups are sometimes short term and specific, whereas others can run indefinitely and adapt to meet the needs of the group as those needs change.

    Group counseling fee is $80 per session.

    All groups run on a waitlist and need 4 to 8 participants to be effective. Please let me know if you are interested in one or more groups and I will add you to the waitlist. Send your info and the group(s) you are interested in, along with day/time availability to mcjimseymft@gmail.com

    Anxiety and Depression Group Therapy






    Growing Up Again Trauma Recovery Group

    Group uses the book by Jean Clarke



    Parenting Your Gifted Child





    Ten-week parenting support group based on the book by James T. Webb







    Lifebooks for Adopted Children






    Parenting: New Strategies for families






    Adopted Teens Support Group






    Adult Adoptees Process Group






    Courage to Heal – Process group for childhood sexual abuse, based on the book by Ellen Bass






    Resilience Group